在这篇文章中,我们将演示如何在 Hugo 文章中引用网易云音乐的音乐。
首先,我们需要创建一个名为 music.html
的短代码模板,保存到 Hugo 项目的 layouts/shortcodes
目录下。然后,我们可以在文章中使用这个短代码来引用 Bilibili 的视频。
{{- $scratch := .Page.Scratch.Get "scratch" -}}
<!-- require APlayer -->
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<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js"></script>
<!-- require MetingJS -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/meting@2.0.1/dist/Meting.min.js"></script>
{{- if .IsNamedParams -}}
{{- if .Get "url" -}}
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{{- with .Get "mini" }} mini="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
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{{- with .Get "volume" }} volume="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "mutex" }} mutex="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- else if .Get "auto" -}}
<meting-js auto="{{ .Get `auto` }}" theme="{{ .Get `theme` | default `#2980b9` }}"
{{- with .Get "fixed" }} fixed="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "mini" }} mini="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "autoplay" }} autoplay="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "loop" }} loop="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "order" }} order="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "volume" }} volume="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "mutex" }} mutex="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "list-folded" }} list-folded="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "list-max-height" }} list-max-height="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- else -}}
<meting-js server="{{ .Get `server` }}" type="{{ .Get `type` }}" id="{{ .Get `id` }}" theme="{{ .Get `theme` | default `#2980b9` }}"
{{- with .Get "fixed" }} fixed="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "mini" }} mini="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "autoplay" }} autoplay="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "loop" }} loop="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "order" }} order="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "volume" }} volume="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "mutex" }} mutex="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "list-folded" }} list-folded="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- with .Get "list-max-height" }} list-max-height="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if strings.HasSuffix (.Get 0) "http" -}}
<meting-js auto="{{ .Get 0 }}" theme="#2980b9"></meting-js>
{{- else -}}
<meting-js server="{{ .Get 0 }}" type="{{ .Get 1 }}" id="{{ .Get 2 }}" theme="#2980b9"></meting-js>
{{- end -}}
{{- $scratch.Set "music" true -}}
\{\{< music auto="https://music.163.com/#/album?id=xxxxxx" >}}(HTTPs后即为网站id)(去掉"\")